
HD363 智能網絡路由器
HD363 智能網絡路由器

用于 HDM3310總線消防電話總機間的網絡連接,具有 A/B端,可各連接 1臺消防電話總機的通訊總線,實現數

字通信和語音信號的路由傳輸。 由通訊總線為網絡路由器進行供電,無需外接電源,工作電壓范圍為DC24V±4V。 A/B端在各自接入的通訊總線系統中各占 1位編碼地址,有工作燈指示巡檢狀態。 A/B端采用隔離電路設計,可減小通訊總線噪聲串擾。 A端適于連接中心控制消防電話總機,而 B端連接其他分區的消防電話總機。 金屬外殼,不易損毀,抗干擾能力強。

Used for networking two or more HDM3310 addressable telehphone exchange, designed side A and B,

which connect bus-line of two exchanges respectively and realize bridging and networking voice and

digital signal. Power supplied by exchange bus-line, no additional power source needed, rated voltage range: DC18-

DC26V Isolated design between Side A and Side B, to minimizing crosstalk noise. Side A is designed to connect to central control exchange, side B connects to other exchange. Metal shell, not easy to broke, has strong shock resistance and anti-jam capability.
